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Old 06-12-2004, 07:28 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ALASKA ALUMINUM BEAR
the most knowledgable person i have found on this board about tcases-is 1fastc10-jeremy-without a doubt hands down---so always follow hid lead in this area...
talk about a bad piece of advice there! WOW!

for a truck that will be beat profusely, by all means a 205 is the only way to go. 205s are gear driven, and i have yet to see a gear of any kind stretch. the 203, 208, and 241 are chain driven cases, and as evidenced by timing chains, chains do stretch and break over time. chain issues aside, and of the previously mentioned cases would make a good unit for an occasional wheeler/street driver. the 203 is a full time case, so if you would like to use a 2wd range, you'll need to make modifications to it for it to work in 2wd mode. the parts are readily available to do so, so it wouldnt be much of a problem. the 203 and 205s both feature cast iron cases, and a 2:1 low range. the 208 and 241 IIRC both offer a low range lower than the 2:1, i believe they're somewhere around 2.50:1. they also both have aluminum cases, so they will be lighter. i think for Heather's application a 208 or 241 would do just fine, and bolt in with little to no modifications. she doesnt have alot of engine, alot of gear, or massive tires to turn, so either of the two should last just fine.

as for the 465/205 comment, it was meant as a joke. i have jokingly suggested it to Heather a few times. again, for a truck that will be beat all the time, gear driven is the way to go. i actually purchased an auto for my truck in January, and after i got it home i started doing research and quickly decided against it for my application. for hers, an auto with a good cooler will last a long time if properly maintained.
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