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Old 06-12-2004, 08:43 PM   #11
Registered User
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Gold Coast, East Coast of Australia
Posts: 39
Thanks for the welcomes and compliments, It's good to see that this forum is very active with friendly people.

I'll answer all of the questions in this post.

The truck is Left Hand Drive as we can licence them left hook provided that they are 30 years old or older.

We haven't had chev trucks available in Aus since the 40's so all are imported privately.

Mine only landed a few weeks ago and was a California truck.

I am on the Gold Coast which is on the East Coast in Queensland.

It is a 68 but has had all trim, marker lights, badges and door handles removed.

There would be no use even trying to find anything localy as the wrecking yards wouldn't even know what a 68 chev looked like.

There are specialist importers but usualy they just order the parts from the US and then charge a huge markup.

I have restored several US cars and a bunch of harleys and have imported virtualy all of the parts myself.

Yes, as hard to believe as it is we are in Winter and that pic was taken last weekend and I am sitting at the puter with a t-Shirt and track pants so as you could have guessed we have real mild winters.

It's rare to get below 5 deg C. but it does hapen but usualy only at night.

Thanks again for the welcome, Mark.
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