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Old 06-13-2004, 12:52 PM   #9
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 9
I happen to have two such tops. One from a damaged '71, used it on my '70 and on my '72 I picked one up from a guy who had taken the hatch and fiberglassed it into the front section. The first one was something I did after I saw a really nice custom job on
the '72 of a guy I worked with. It was really sweet, totally sealed like a pickup cab. But it was also $1,500.00. So when this damaged one came about I got out my jigsaw and went to town. I never fiberg'd the outline of the cut so yeah you see the gap between the two walls. But it worked fine. Very easy one man on/off. I just cut it far enough back to utilize the first set of mounting holes at the bottom. But I had to flair the cut out at the bottom in order to salvage the mounting hole , and miss the indent for the glass on the side of the top. And the one with the hatch in it also works fine. It's more difficult to remove/install , but one guy can do it. The back of it is flat and does not contour like pickup cab. But both not all that bad looking. Both trucks currently have full tops on. But I'll try to get some pics of just the tops to post
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