Thread: 1968 C20 Build
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Old 11-21-2019, 11:09 AM   #10
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Re: 1968 C20 Build

Now on to tires and wheels.

Time to get rid of these old split rims - which are not even original, they are 17", not the 16.5" that is on the SPID - and the tube tires, of which there are not even two alike on the truck.

I have a set of the F*rd rims from a E250 van, plus one for a spare, that were given to me for free by a friend who expressed surprise that anyone would want them.

I test fitted them, then had another friend sandblast them for me. A little tremclad paint and they are ready for rubber.

Now I have to decide between 265 75 16, or 235 85 16, and since I like the look of both on these C20s, to be honest I will probably go with whichever is cheapest. New 10 ply tires are a big outlay for this project and I've been trying to keep it low cost, but good rubber will be a necessity.
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