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Old 11-25-2019, 10:44 AM   #9
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Re: 69 396 vs lm7 CST build

68bowtie- I researched a little bit back when I first got the truck and the goal was to check and see how rare it is by posting and asking around but it took over 2 months to get access to post so I'm slowly trying to post progress. I read the 511 was rare and mostly a gmc color? The primer is hiding several rough spots too. I must say I do like the color. Curious to everyone's thoughts though.

Special K- I can jump ahead in the time line of the post and say I have the engine out cuz I found a blown head gasket between cylinder 6 and 8 a couple weeks in when I couldn't get vacuum or idle right and pretty much said why not just pull it, the works 75% done. The heads have been resurfaced But I'm debating throwing in a lm7. That's the question I was getting to last night and the night slipped away from me

Bigmac73- agreed. So from my research it seems I've got a fairly good set of options with the 396, cst, 511 color, and factory air. So the question is do I take away from the originality of the truck or stick with the big block? I'm open to everyone's comments...its been almost 3 months now and I still cant decide.
I just finished pulling the bed out cuz, well, the wood legit was just crumbling.
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