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Old 11-29-2019, 09:55 AM   #11
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Re: 1968 Side Mirrors, what original styles were available?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I still wonder if the truck had the long side mirrors. Does anyone have a picture of a C/30 with them? They seem to be rare. Most got the RV Jr option and the ones with the long sides mostly got changed, most likely. They aren't the greatest mirrors. I know Joes Junk knows these mirrors and had a C/30 with them.
My service truck originally had a 12’ Pafco van body on it and came with the long stick mirrors and had the same holes as his...used to have a pic but can’t seem to find it.
68 GMC C3500 Longhorn DRW
67 Chevy C10 LWB
90 Mustang Gt
90 Mustang Notchback
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