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Old 12-02-2019, 10:21 AM   #9
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Re: Has anyone added an external Power steering reservoir for Hydro Boost

Well, so i got my tank all done, new added -6an bung welded on, installed, new HTPE -6an lines run, double check lines for what goes where, and well the tank will not work. What i was finding is that the extra tank and fluid storage is an issue because it appears it is above the Level of the stock LS pump tank and pump and this causes an issue of overflow in the new tank. There is nothing that forces the fluid back into the stock tank that full. I actually was worried about this due to the idea that the height of the new tank is above the stock one.
So, I still cannot go with a "T" fitting and hose clamps, so i ordered new PTFE lines (-8an to match the set that came with kit but this time in black. I did not go with -8an because everything i read was using -6an and well i did not look closely at the set sent with the kit, yes im stupid, LOL), all new -8an Fittings, -8AN "Y" block, and i was reading that some are using a fuel quick disconnect fitting on the hard return line out of the power steering pump. It is 3/8" with the same ridge like the fuel filter i use on my LS, so i got one of those to see if that will work rather than have a hose clamp on. Not sure if it will work. Anyone try this?

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