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Old 12-03-2019, 04:32 PM   #5
The Rocknrod

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Re: Threads with blurry pictures and watermark?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I am one of those who had Photobucket yank the rug out on. After the grand renig they kept sending me e-mails stating there was a deadline to subscribe to get access to my (my own!) pictures for sharing. Was that to avoid interruption from this watermark/blurry issue until a do subscribe or could I subscribe today and my pictures would be restored? I was too Po'd to pay any attention at the time. I wonder if I subscribed my existing pictures posted here would be restored or marked forever now. I assume I could subscribe and at least be able to steal my pictures back. I have been through losing all my files on two failed computers that are still on P-Bucket. I'd like to have them back. I could replace their watermarked pictures as I came across them that way, I'd think. Anyone have any experience with this?
When they started this I downloaded any pics I didnt have and unsubscribed them in total. Good riddance.
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