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Old 12-03-2019, 11:25 PM   #18
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Re: 1972 Chevrolet K20 transmission crossmember for a turbo 400.

I'm still lost... What is the frame from? 72 K20 also? Post 5 vs the recurring references to K20 "cab" only are throwin me off. I "think" you're saying you have a 72 K20 cab and 72 K20 chassis into which you're installing the 87 eng/trans/tcase into(?) Just to confirm - your cab VIN starts w/CK and you have a detachable high hump, yes? Where exactly is the interference - just at the t-case (which would make sense). Personally, I'd do some creative bodywork where you have interference rather than a body lift. I like body lifts even less than chassis lifts... (yes, I know, but that's just me... ) A few pics would help a lot too. Thanks for posting, this is an interesting one! If your only interference is at the t-case (IF), have you considered just getting the TH400 adapter for a 205 and seeking a 205 out? Yes, that could easily run up a tab and you already have a rebuilt 208 already, so I do appreciate the dilemma.
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