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Old 12-04-2019, 02:07 PM   #2
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Re: Welder question and recommendations

I have a 220V Lincoln 170T (click heat instead of infinite, never have needed the infinite) set up with MIG. bought it 20 years ago and its still going strong, havent found anything I couldnt weld with it.

how is your Hobart set up? 115V flux? 220V mig? I know some lincolns and millers can run both. if flux, its actually going to be more suited to frame work than body work. if you are doing body panels, 025 or 030 MIG wire will be better than 035 flux, which can leave a lot of residue in the weld. I know guys who LOVE their hobarts.

dont buy something new if you dont need it, if its a 115v flux use it for frame work and if you want to do body just buy a mig kit, it will get hot enough on 115v to do both (dont try to MIG frame work, and dont try to flux body work)
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