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Old 12-06-2019, 09:33 AM   #169
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Location: Cbus, Ohio
Posts: 290
Re: '78 K20 to C10. Almost 20 years in the making.

I got the big block pulled last weekend and transported to work. I had a friend with a fedex engine pallet so I snagged that and got it crated down. It should be picked up today and headed off to WY. I dont plan on having any regrets selling it.

My VSRacing 7875 came in last night. Its just their gen1 billet wheel unit. For $500 it should be plenty for what Im doing. Its pretty compact as well. Im considering researching painting the cold side black.. Not sure how feasible that is. I also got my Tejas engine mounts and a few other nick nacks.

I hope this weekend I can put the new torque converter in and bolt the 80e to the engine so I can work on building a crossover pipe.

Have a good weekend everyone.
'78 C10 Build
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