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Old 12-07-2019, 06:07 PM   #15
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Re: 51 Chev on a S10 frame, named Dale

OK, now this truck is designed by my wife, and she really does not like the blue, she is OK with the Patina look, but she wants the colour of the truck to be that soft green , called Ocean Mist.

So I started experimenting on the tailgate. (the colour green in the pics is NOT Ocean Mist)

First I cleaned and prepped the tailgate and painted flat black (pic was taken before paint was dry, that is why it looks shiny), then painted it red oxide (with a brush), and then added some oranges and yellows.

I then sprinkled road salt (I saw it lying around the in the garage) all over the tailgate. This is to prevent the Green paint from reaching the red oxide, and hopefully leaving a 'patina' look.

Once the green paint dried, scrape off the road salt and sand to your desired level of patina.

Here is the experiment,
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