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Old 12-09-2019, 11:19 AM   #18
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Re: 51 Chev on a S10 frame, named Dale


Good Question. I contacted Reaper71 (Mark) about the vertical parts of the body, as he did this on his build 'Orange Peel', and he said if you spray water on the panel, the salt (table salt) will stick, you can then paint it when it dries, and then scrape the salt away later, but I have not tried that method yet. (check out his Orange Peel is awesome)

The other option that I have considered, is turning the paint feed screw way down low on my paint gun, and 'misting' the paint over the existing blue paint only, while leaving the patina alone..... I think if I can spray out a "spatter' I can get the look.... I hope....stay tuned
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