Round-Eye Lighting Upgrade
Hey, gang. After two close calls with deer on I-80 through the Poconos last week, it’s apparent that the ‘78 Suburban could use a light upgrade. Forward and to the sides. Mom and Dad gifted me a pair of KC Daylighters for my birthday (I’m 41... and I still get awesome surprise gifts for my birthday from amazing parents), but they aren’t street legal. 200,000 candles. Each. Thought about trying to make them legal, but that seems like an exercise in frustration.
So to make things a little clearer at night, I’m looking at a few other options. I’ve already done relays, so we’re set there. I’d like to keep things as close to mid-70s in appearance as possible. And no blue light. Gives me a headache as a driver. Seriously. Anyway...
1. Auxiliary SAE/DOT/ECE driving lights. Hella 550s or similar mounted on the bumper. Four lights are better than two, right?
2. Upgrade the mystery sealed beams to SilverStars. Or another “premium” sealed beam. Will I see legit improvements?
3. Hella H4 conversation housings with something like 55/100w bulbs. Hella’s glass lenses looks pretty ‘authentic’.
4. A combination of 1 and either 2 or 3. Obviously better than any of the others alone.
5. Figure out a lens, reflector, bulb combo for the Daylighters that will be street legal. Or close to it. Ha.
Appreciate your opinions. And because every thread needs a photo...