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Old 12-13-2019, 02:55 PM   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Swaledale, IA
Posts: 485
Re: GMC truck with Chevy trim

It depends on how nice the truck, for a original, some rust/faded paint truck - I don't think anyone will care.

If you are trying to sell it as a "nicer" truck, then someone will care more. If the tailgate has the band that covers up the "GMC/Chevy" then it won't even be visible. If its the basic tailgate with the words exposed, then it will stand out.

In my opinion, if your selling it as a nicer truck, asking more money for it then you may want to update it, but if its got some other things that will need fixing, probably not going to impact your price much.
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