Thread: AC wiring
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Old 12-15-2019, 11:42 AM   #1
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AC wiring

Trying to understand wiring (AC) generallly but also specific to my setup.
I have a truck GENIII blue/green harness depinned as per LT1swap.
I have the fuse panel from bp automotive here. Has a 2 fans relay, 1 AC relay.

I bought a coldmaster AC unit (local to me) with a Vintage Air compressor. 2 wire binary Pressure switch on the drier.
I have a puller fan on the radiator
I have a pusher fan on the condensor.

Just going to deal with non PCM controlled to begin with.

Under this scenario I think it would go like this.

Battery +12v => Pin 30 on relay
Drier Pressure switch => Pin 86 on relay (other wire on switch goes to Evap Unit in car). Grounded. 12v+ from ign on other wire.
Ground -> Pin 85 on relay
+12v feed to both AC compressor and condensor fan -> Pin 85

So basically the FAN and the Compressor get power in a NC relay ..... unless the high pressure switch kicks in ... and then the circuit is open and power to fan and compressor is stopped.

Right so far ?
So here's where it gets a little (more) confusing for me. Due to the BP automotive harness. And main puller fan.
The harness has the following wired to main harness (which was done about 1 year ago).

12v AC compressor (Green) thicker wire
#1 FAN relay dark green (12v for FAN low speed)
#2 FAN relay dark blue (12v for FAN high speed)

Smaller AC request wire (green/white) 12v to engage A/C compressor
Smaller gage AC relay control ground wire (black/white).
Smaller gauge Fan #2 wire (blue)

Instructions on this from BPAUTO say.
1) Ground AC relay control wire.
2) Hook AC request wire to your AC control unit in CAB to power AC.
3) AC compressor wire to compressor.

--- Nothing about FANS. Im guessing thats because the two FAN relays are wired for PCM control ? So better to go that route ?

Trying to understand best way to "merge" the two harnesses so to speak.
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