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Old 12-15-2019, 03:05 PM   #24
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Re: Round-Eye Lighting Upgrade

I've been down this road before as well... All your possible solutions are well thought out and definite solid options. It seems your priorities are:

1. Keep stock appearance
2. Remain legal/safe
3. No blue LED light
4. Relatively affordable

I had a Toyota FJ60 a few years back, which has the same headlights as our Squarebodies. I ended up doing a Hella sealed beam conversion with upgraded wiring, relays etc, and was happy with the results. However, for the money spent, the improvement was marginal. Even with the BEST sealed beam setup you're still talking 60+ year old technology... higher power draw for less light. I hate to say it, but I'm in the LED camp. The light output, longevity of the bulb and reduced power consumption is just a no-brainer when you compare.

Now, keeping your priorities in mind, looking stock is a must. The Delta lights are a new one on me, but they look pretty close to stock, could be worth a look. My pick is these from Dapper Lighting, who are nearby in my area and have a good reputation.

The other issues are the light color, and the headache problem. Can't help ya there, if it gives you migraines, it aint worth the trouble...

Cost: the LED's are a bit more pricey, but the Hella conversions with all the wiring, bulbs and relays aren't exactly free either... and consider the fact that the LED's will probably outlast the steel the truck's built out of, it'll make up the cost difference in the end.

All in all, it's up to you, but I think Buy once, Cry once, go for the best you can get and stay legal.

Another good thread on lighting... from the FJ60 crowd.
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Last edited by ShortHaul; 12-15-2019 at 04:34 PM.
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