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Old 06-14-2004, 10:10 PM   #1
Eddie H.
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Heck of a deal for you guys in the D/FW Texas Area.

I ran across a deal today that I thought I'd pass along to anybody that may be interested.
When I'm working around old trucks , I've found that those plastic 5 gallon buckets ( like paint comes in) have so many different uses, everything from washing parts, draining fluids, storing nuts and bolts and various small parts,or even setting on as temporary "bucket seats". Anyway, I know a guy in Ft Worth who has a truck load of new,never used, 4 and 5 gallon plastic buckets he is wanting to get rid of. He'll sell them for a buck apiece if you buy at least 10, or 50 cents apiece if you buy 50 -100 at a time. I brought home a bunch of them just to use around the house. These are the same ones that the home centers sell for $3 to $5 .
Email me at: and I'll give you his number if you're interested.
"Negative people always seem to have a problem for every solution"
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