Thread: AC wiring
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Old 12-19-2019, 06:07 PM   #15
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Re: AC wiring

Originally Posted by ls1nova71 View Post
A binary switch will just cut the power to the compressor if the head pressure gets too high, or too low. If you just use that and have the fan come on any time the A/C is on, the fan will run all the time. You don't want to hook the fan to the same wire as the compressor, because if you did that, when the head pressure got high enough to cut out the compressor, it would also cut the fan, the exact time you need it the most.

With a trinary switch, when the pressures are low enough, the fan will shut off, such as when moving down the highway. You will have sufficient air flow over the condenser at that time so fans won't be needed.
Dammit - thats why you get paid the big bucks. Forgot to factor in actually how AC works .... juts been thinking of wiring.

Funny though -- this is literally the manual from the AC company - both fan and compessor wired together.

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