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Old 12-23-2019, 01:05 AM   #9
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Re: Coil driveshaft on leaf truck?

Originally Posted by randy500 View Post

Fore and aft carrier bearings and side to side carrier bearing driveshafts can be switched out if you change the bracket. The fore and aft bracket is usually riveted in place. Side by side is bolted. Switch the bracket and the driveshafts interchange.


If he gets that mounting bracket for I Beam Carrier "Fore and Aft" then it may work depending on how the frame is cut down if his GMC (Which every half ton GMC I have ever owned has the Horseshoe Style "Side by Side") bracket has to be changed out.

Probably every gmc you had was leaf because its standard on gmc which also indicates leaf trucks use the side to side horseshoe carrier....a much better system. Leafs are heavier duty and so is the side by side driveshaft.

chevy is standard with coil spring.
On chevy half tons i only see the side by side driveshaft on small block 4spd and big block trucks, all others have the fore and aft light duty carrier bearing.

So there you go, lots of info for the OP about driveshafts.
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