Taking all my experience from my prior truck build and applying it to a more ambitious and more complete hot rod. I've always dreamed of a Model A Sedan, but was always intimidated by the build. Now I feel confident with the help of my trusty welder, all you fine folks, and YouTube that this will be a success! I'll catalog the build for anyone interested below and feel free to comment and put your thoughts in. I just received the body from a guy in Minnesota and, after looking it over, very pleased with how solid the metal is.
So why is it more ambitious than the 1949 Chevy 3100? Well, glad you asked! This bad girl is going to get a custom chassis, LS engine and 4L80e transmission. I'll be bagging the rear end and completely finishing out the interior and paint. Lots of new skills I need to learn, but a lot I can transfer from the truck.
The best news so far, it fits in my garage better than the truck did so I have way more room to work haha
12/25/2019: Current state, floor is out, engine and transmission got sold today to get it out of the way (SBC350/TH350 combo)
end goal is something like this...

Credit to builder Denny Terzich