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Old 12-26-2019, 09:05 PM   #5
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Re: 62 wiring help. Convert to Alternator

You're welcome!

The alternator case is grounded to the engine block via it's mounting brackets. And the old generator was as well.

The purpose of that ground wire was to provide a good ground for the regulator, horn relay, headlights, etc. attached to the front sheetmetal.

Starting sometime around 64 I think, GM changed the location of the front sheetmetal ground wire and ran it to the negative battery terminal instead of the generator or alternator case.

So if you have the later style negative battery cable assembly with the ground wire going to the front sheetmetal, you won't need that ground wire. Otherwise, you'll want to keep it in place. Some alternators have a ground stud. Or you could attach it to one of the alternator case bolts, mounting bolts, etc.
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