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Old 12-28-2019, 02:51 AM   #10
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 47
Re: K20 adventure thread

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
Great Thread! I have always wanted to go to NZ or Au. Looks like this would be a good time of year for your area.

Hi Leon.

Thanks for all of your help on the forum, I've found a number of your posts really helpful, especially getting my rear lock fixed!

Summer time is the best time to visit New Zealand with the longer days (sunrise around 5:45am and sunset at 9:00pm at the moment), warmer temperatures and more consistent weather. I'd really recommend February or March which are our hottest months. Everyone also has pretty much gone back to work so there is a bit more breathing space at the tourist spots.

Australia is great and we love visiting there. Sydney and Melbourne are great cities and we love relaxing in Noosa north of Brisbane. Culturally it's very similar but a very different landscape and climate - New Zealand is pretty much the PNW whereas Australia would be Arizona by the ocean, i.e. really nice if you like the heat. The only thing it is missing is a wide variety in the landscape compared to what NZ has in such a small area. Plus everything there is in a biological arms race and is trying to bite, sting or poison you, and we're far more friendly here towards Americans :-)
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