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Old 01-01-2020, 01:33 PM   #1
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Sway Bar on a 66 decision price vs labor and time

Ive read a bunch of threads in the FAQ and definitely want to add one to my stock height 66 that had a font disc conversion from a 1972 donor I think. I wanted to go for the more bang for the buck and go to local pull a parts but Im striking out. Spent a few days looking and come up with nothing. There is one a friend found local to him from a 1983 3/4 ton and said they wanted $100 to pull it themselves and would include the brackets to the frame that they would drill out the rivets. But I would still have to do a good bit of clean up and paint and also need new bushings so Im thinking to shop for a kit.

The kits Ive seen range from a total after tax and shipping of $222 (LMC), part #34-2501

Classic Parts $177

and cant find a bar at all on Early Classics just the bushings and brackets which look to be close $100 shipped for those.

Has anyone recently found a good 1 1/4 inch heavy duty sway bar kit that is a good price and fit for a 1966 with power steering? Also the shape of the bars vary in the kits Im seeing. Is there a best fit style?

Here are the pics of the one found for $100 pulled.
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