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Old 01-01-2020, 08:58 PM   #4
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Re: Dying until warm

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
Yep, it sounds like your choke isn't working or you are not setting it before you start it. More information would be nice. Do you have the choke hooked up? Manual or electric choke?

If it is an electric choke you need to turn the key on, wait a minute or so then push the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor and let up on it before you try to start it. If the choke is working correctly that will set the choke to the closed position and set the cam on the high idle position.

it is an electric choke. I will try what you just said. I always just started it right up so that could be the problem. I just bought this truck last week and it is in great shape and I use it as a daily driver. I am just trying to tighten things up and replace what I need where I need it. i will try what you suggest. Thank you.
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