Originally Posted by NorCalGal
I love your truck, the paint turned out great. I have been considering a satin paint but have been chicken to actually spray it.
Thanks NorCalGal. I really wanted to have it a little flatter but the semi gloss is growing on me. The reducer agitation is the key. The bed panels and tail gate are a little shinier because the reducer was not shaken long enough. The key is to shake it as long as you think you need to, then shake it that long again. The reason I went with the flatter paint is that I have a 55 Chevy sedan that I built and since it is 1/2 mile of dirt each way to the paved road from my house, it gets dirty or dusty everywhere, every time you drive it. I think the satin finish will help me not worry about the dirt as much (I hope) and will not avoid driving it the way I do the 55 (attached)