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Old 01-07-2020, 02:21 PM   #2
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Re: Few things I found doing my LS Swap

That is good info. My sister's husband who thinks I am crazy for being a NA guy has run into that a few times with hopped up Jdm children's toys. Where a manifold for whatever reason will not work right on a certain engine. I typically run ported dual planes, and never felt that to be a issue. Even when my experimental builds ran perfectly fine, and didn't do much better with the several manifolds I tried.

Isn't there a thing where you want to run your injectors at 75% duty cycle or so to avoid issues.

On my LT1 350 I thought about going with upgraded 01+ vortec fuel injection, but it was not a well charted course. So after my tunnel ram build I want a supercharged new 4.3
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