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Old 06-15-2004, 10:19 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 80
Steering Arm Removal

Hey. I own a 1990 Blazer ful size. I am putting a 4 inch lift on it and I am actually in the process of it except I can't get the @#$& steering arm off to put on the new raised one. I have beaten on it in about every possible way. 10lb Sledge to it and still nothing has popped free. Its been soaking in penetrating oil and WD-40 I even jacked the truck up ON the steering arm and beat down on the axle and still nothing. I tried heating it for about 20 minutes with a propane torch and then beat on it even more. Does anyone have any suggestions whatsoever? Haha I am really desperate on trying to get this thing off. Thanx in advance.
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