It looks like the gap between the fender and the door is noticeably tighter at the bottom than the top meaning that the front of the nose may be slightly low.
Agreed. Also looking at hood line to cowl you can see hood is low. I ended up with shim washers under the core support mounts on my stock '57.
i have a couple of sets of each and none are the same contour on that edge. it is why guys who want perfect gaps add weld to the edges to make a gap smaller or trim the edges off and reweld the edges at the seams of their cuts.
Check body line on fender to body line on door as previously mentioned. Ensure they are matched, aligned, "good." I can't tell you whether the repop fenders and hood are stamped well but my OEM parts needed cosmetic help to make the lines look correct. Not only was front of fender a bit low, but OE hood wouldn't bolt on straight. Shims, grinding, cutting, welding, drilling... and more than a few test fits along the way.
Watch to see that the hinges aren't "bottoming out" when closing hood. I modified the stops slightly on mine and shimmed the top of the hinge away from the cowl at the upper hinge bolt to allow the hood to close further.