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Old 01-10-2020, 03:17 PM   #444
But Found Her 25yrs Later!
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Re: faux-tina paint jobs

Originally Posted by sstock View Post
All that work, you could lay down some nice paint, call me weird, I just don't get this craze. Maybe it is because I'm old guy now in my 60s.
I see it from both sides. I know several classic car/truck guys that have said their nice paint job makes them nervous/worried about every scratch or ding. Keeping it old looking allows for them to just jump in and take it anywhere, and use it as a truck.
My 65 has maybe $100 in paint. And most importantly, it's how I want/like it - scratches, dings, and all. I'd prefer a natural truck over a restore, but we either buy a natural, or spend the money on a restore.
I personally don't get spending money for a full on restore. Oh yes, I admire, but unless I got money spilling out of my pockets.... I can't justify it for myself.
Natural would be my first choice. The work and money for nice paint makes no sense to me if I'm going to use it as a truck.
I lost my 65 - Found it 25 years later:

66 C20 Service Truck:
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