Originally Posted by 3767
Take a marker and put a mark on the steering shaft and column at the top. When u put it all back together, line your marks back up. This will help keep the steering column and steering wheel straight. Take a pic of the pitman arm to steering box set up before u take it off. Use this as your reference when u put it back together. U can mark the arm to box relationship as well just to give u an idea of how it all was before hand. Your power steering lines are different sizes. Use different colors on the lines to help u know what goes where when u put it back together.put a mark on the box as well. The reason I tell u all this is because being it’s a daily driver, it helps to know what goes where and use marks as a reference point speeds this up. It also lets u know that your alignment and turning radius will b unchanged. Hope this helps.
What all do I need to disconnect on the steering column its self to move it up? The inside of the can is pretty self explanatory but the engine back side I didnt know if I needed to disassemble all of the column. It looks like the arm to put my truck in gears is hooked up on the side close to the firewall, but its attached to the column. Also, it looks like there is a spring that I am able to move up a little by hand, could I just disconnect the rag joint and then the bolts that the spring is connected to and pry up with a pry bar? Would that give me enough clearance so I wouldnt have to disassemble everything. I guess I just need to know if everything needs to get disconnected on the column from the rag joint to the inside of the column. Sorry so long and thank you. I will start marking everything now. I attached pics of what I was asking needed to be disconnected. Thanks again for your time.