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Old 01-14-2020, 09:45 PM   #7
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Posts: 174
Re: Rag joint and steering box removal

Since u are taking gear box off, consider doing this from the bottom. No column to move nor linkage to take loose. 4 bolts hold the box to the frame. Get Pittman arm off before u take box loose. The top pinch bolt is located under ur white zip tie. Once u get gear box off with this bolt lose the box shaft assembly comes out together. Change out rag joint then. U have another pinch bolt where the shaft meets the box. The gear box will have some thick washers between the box and frame. Dont forget to put them back on. Once rag has been changed out, put shaft back on and run down that top pinch bolt to hold shaft on 2 column. Before u put new gear box on 2 frame, reattach both of shaft to box. U wont b able to once u start the bolts back n from the frame 2 gear box. U can tighten down the top and bottom pinch bolts once u get the box back on to the frame.the bigger power steering line is the high pressure or feed line the smaller 1 is the return. U may want 2 consider watching a video on all of this. It will help u understand what each and every part does n ur steering system. It may help u out before u take this stuff apart.
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