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Old 01-16-2020, 11:49 AM   #16
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Posts: 174
Re: Rag joint and steering box removal

There are several choices out there 4 a replacement shaft. Stick with a collapsible 1.
U joints...if u run a u joint on each end, 1 needs to have a vibration damper n it. Make it the top 1. U can buy them n steel or stainless. If u get the steel 1, paint it so it won’t rust over time. Original shaft is 3/4 dd.
Columns...3/4 x36 spline is what chevys came with. If u are n doubt then use a tape measure to check shaft size then mark 1 of the splines and start counting them.
Gear box...3/4 30 spline is on the box. If u want to check 4 your own peace of mind then do the same as above. Only takes a minute and u will have to know this before u order. Don’t assume the parts guy knows cause most don’t anymore.
Steering shaft....yours is supposed to collapse but due to it being as old as it is most won’t due to rust. Junk yards have plenty but they are old as well so keep that n mind if u go that Rt. Plus they will b set up like what u got with a rag joint.
Borgeson is what I used. They make the shaft and the u joints. They are n sc and 4 me here n nc that’s less down time to get parts. I went thru summit as they were cheaper and Borgeson sent them direct to me .they also make a nice (kinda pricy)steering box that’s worth a look . Funny to me how I can go thru a third party and get a better deal that what the manufacture will offer and yet send it to me .
I’m glad if anything that any help I gave was worth it. U will find that most folks on the board are nice and some 1 has already been thru what u are going thru.
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