If you plan on cleaning up the power steering gear box you can wire wheel it the best you can. Then switch to a dremel with wire wheel attachment, or a cordless power drill with wire wheel bits. You can get em in flat, cupped, or straight styles. Then wipe it down with acetone or mineral spirits and once it dries hit it with a couple of coats of clear coat from a rattle can. I like the VHT clear coat. It's better suited to the environment where the gear box resides. That way it wont rust on you, and if you have a power steering or radiator leak it wont seep into the cast iron body of the gear box. So itll stay nice and clean longer. As far as grease for the control arm shafts goes, I used Timken wheel bearing grease when I replaced my stock arm shafts with MOOG. Comes in a tub. But any chassis/suspension grade grease will do fine. Here's a tip for reassembly. Pack the control arm shafts end caps with grease before screwing them onto the shafts. Leave the zerk fitting off until you get the end caps torqued in place, that way the excess grease will squeeze out of the end cap when you screw them on. Then install the zerk afterwards. That's how I did mine and I haven't had to grease them since I installed them a few months ago.
Also, if you haven't already I would upgrade your lower control arm shaft u bolts to the bigger 9/16" ones from the later year pickups. Dorman part #13503 available at AutoZone $10 for a set of 2. Need 2 sets. Also need to drill out the crossmember u bolt holes to 9/16" and they slide right in. Bigger,stronger,better.