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Old 06-16-2004, 02:42 PM   #1
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Need some help installing front airbags

I bought the upper plates, bags and cups from Jason @*****************. Now I need some pics to make sense of how it all goes in. I would love to see some pics of this if anyone can post some. Plus, do I run a 90° fitting off the top of the bag or not? I got everthing except the fittings and airine for $215 to my door. The plates and cups are beautiful and the bags are 2B7s from Airlift. I am gonna run it to a pair of schrader valves and pump them up at the gas station until I get the four link done. Then I will get some advice on what would be a good control system. I can handle this install better if I can break it up into smaller jobs. Thanx in advance, Jay
86 SWB 9.0 LITER
T-400-OD 4.11 eaton-4/5 drop
Best 1/4 12.51 @112mph no traction
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