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Old 01-22-2020, 12:22 PM   #5
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Re: Column Shifter ... rod or cable

personally I would use a cable if possible. most late model stuff uses a cable that goes through a bracket bolted to the trans housing behind the shifter and the cable is long enough to make a big loop from the front and come through the bracket from the back side. they are adjustable, within reason, so that makes it handy as well. not sure what you're using for a shifter inside but a lot of stock newer vehicles simply connect to the shifter inside the car and the cable exits through a grommet in the floor. some are column shift and others are console shifters.
a couple of links of interest possibly. shows a few brackets and how they are placed. possibly, if you need to come at it from the front, you could rig up a lever arrangement that would change direction of the movement to allow the lever to hang below the shifter shaft instead of above, if thats the issue with clearance for the shift lever and the electronic part. post a few pics of your set up and maybe we can come up with an idea.
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