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Old 06-16-2004, 04:18 PM   #14
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Cool, I got the charging problem fixed, turned out to just be a loose wire in the harness somewhere from the alt. to the firewall. Took off all the electrical tape around the wires, cleaned em' all off, and it started charging. Greased the front end up real good and took my dad for a cruise in the burb(he came home today because he couldn't get unloaded and he hadn't ridden in it yet). He thought it was pretty cool. I think I'm gonna work on getting all the rear lights to work, I dunno if there is a bad ground or if the bulbs are all bad but the only light in the back that works is the pass. side brake light, the reverse lights don't even work. Thanks for all the help. Hopefully it'll be licensed and a driver w/new rockers and no holes in the floor in the next month-2 months...hopefully...
84 C10 Silverado
14 Silverado Z71
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