1. disconnect & plug vacuum advance
2. connect timing light to battery and hook induction clamp to #1 plug wire
3. A). If you light is the advance type (has dial or buttons on back) mark your balancer at the 0 deg. Mark and set dial to the amount of advance you want.
B). Non advance type you mark your balancer at the desired advance you want.
4. Loosen distributor hold down enough to turn but not turn on its own.
5. Start and allow engine warm up to operating temp and running at low idle
6. Aim gun at timing tab and line up your marks by turning the distributor
A.) if using advance type of light the light delays the flash by the amount of degrees that you dialed in and fires it at TDC.
B.) The non advance light fires when the plug fires so you need to use the proper mark on the tab or balancer
7. Shut down engine
8. Tighten dizzy
9. Hook up vac. Advance