Originally Posted by sprint_9
Thats great to get it close and get you out on the road, I used a similar method to get mine in the ballpark. I was like 80% percent off out of the gate though.
Have you done any logging to slowly make changes to the maf table in order eliminate the maf error and zero it in, or have you just flat out add 10%?
If you just added 10% its likely that the cells you idle in are off a little bit causing your idle issues.
Thank you for the ideas and suggestions. My idle problem existed before I even started tuning / messing with the MAF.
I did the immediate 10% bump cause I saw Goat Rope Garage guy do a 15% increase on his when he saw his error being 14%. Then I did more data logging and saw the numbers all between -1% to -2% after two test drives of about 20 minutes each, steady gradual throttle changes trying to stay out of DFCO and WOT. Pic attached.
Don't worry it's not the only video I watched I actually paid for some training and read a ton as well. Even some of the instructors were perplexed by this idle issue although I don't expect them to tune it over the phone, chat, or email, ha ha.