Hardened seats a MUST
Well about 6 yrs ago I had a set of heads done by a reputable machine shop.
I just took this engine out of my truck its a 327 small journal and I am going with a 350. The motor ran ok when I pulled it just assumed it needed tuned it only has about 15000 miles on it. Well i planned to sell it.I decided to regasket it, glad I did I found 4 exhaust valves receased into thehead almost a 1/4 of a inch. So when I get these done again I will make them show me the heads after the hardened seats are installed. So if you dont have hardened seats get them or use the additive it didnt take alot of miles to do this....my .02 worth
 [CGTW Member
former 67-72 now with a 96 silverado