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Old 02-02-2020, 09:31 AM   #6
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Re: Preferred method for rear glass install

Originally Posted by joedoh View Post
sometimes the rear rubber makes all the difference. I have used rubber from all over, one I got on sale and it was cheap till I had to buy another from the local glass place.

for install tools I use the ball and hook took and the pusher stick, both available from LMC truck. I also use a lock strip installer tool that I bought locally.

my method is to put the gasket on the window first, you have to use the handle end of the hook tool to tap the gasket all the way onto the steel lip, especially in the corners. all the way around then trim the excess leaving about 1/8-1/4 long. if you dont tap it on to the lip, and if you dont leave the excess, when you put the glass in, you will end up with a gap between the two ends, so be certain!

then I put the glass in, using the hook tool and stick. it takes time, and you dont want to drop it so I usually get my wife to hold the glass with a suction cup while I get the rubber around the edge of the glass. windex AND silicone spray help immensely doing this, like I said sometimes the gasket is more pliable from different manufacturers.

once you have the glass in the gasket, run the ball end through the lock strip channel a few times, it helps center the glass. then put the lock strip in (dont start it right at the same spot as the gasket split, offset it a little), put your lock tool over the strip and then into the channel and push. its hard to explain what should happen, but the tool should spread the lock channel AND push the strip into it at the same time. a couple practice tries will sort you out. dont worry if it doesnt seat all the way, when you have gone all the way around, you can use a small blunt tool like a dull flathead screwdriver to gently push it into the channel. on my 49 GMC 3 window I fought the cheap gasket for a while, then fought the replacement gasket for a half day. on the 49 5 window 3100 I just finished I got the gasket from LMC without much expectation and had all 3 back glass installed lock strip and all in under and hour.
Joedoh, Do you use any sealant?
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