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Old 02-04-2020, 04:25 PM   #15
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Re: Column Shifter ... rod or cable

Just thought I would make this to show everyone my solution for making the ACA-1804 Lokar gear cable work on a 4L60E when even Lokar told me it wouldnt....

First off... Im no professional, but Im good at thinking outside the box.
Second... Just cause it worked fr me I take no responsibility if you do it and get it wrong.
Third... If you get it wrong you really should be paying someone to work on your truck.

Here is a YOUTUBE VIDEO that I made and have sent the link to Lokar as well. They should be able to incorperate the mods easy enough at no extra cost but thats up to them...

KEEP IN MIND THIS IS FOR A FACTORY GM COLUMN ONLY .... Aftermarket ... well you would need to go do your own maths :p

THE LONG AND THE SHORT OF IT (if you would rather read than listen to me ramble on on youtube).

When using the horse shoe bracket on the Lokar ACA-1804 there are a couple of holes that can be used depending on where your support bracket is. In my case, almost straight down, so I can only use the last 2.
Measuring the travel distance from those holes to the cable support bracket you get 52mm travel (2nd hole) and 57mm travel (1st hole)

Under the car you need to remove the trans plate Lokar supply you, take it to an engineer (or weld a tab on if you have skills) so that the cable support is 1" outwards of the factory hole. This allows for a straight run to the lever arm.

Remove the Lokar lever arm. locate the 2 holes (a= custom column, b = gm column). Drill a 6.5mm hole (6 is to small so its probably 1/4" or something crazy imperial sized) but I used 6.5mm. Drill a third hole right in the middle of the 2 holes which are about 11mm apart.

The reason for this hole is that if you use the factory hole (b) the cable only pulls 41mm so you dont get full swing. If you use the custom hole (a) the cable moves 64mm (so you the trans stops the column moving.

Weirdly enough... drilling a third hole right in the middle of the two as per my pic gives you 52mm travel...... ahhhh just right as goldilocks would say.


Yes I could have adjusted the column support bracket and all those measurements from the horse shoe would be different. So keep that in mind before you cut or drill anything.... I liked the bracket horizontal and effectively hidden but the column.

Hope that helps someone else one day...

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