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Old 02-05-2020, 02:50 PM   #20
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Re: Budget AC ? Factory AC Cab

Originally Posted by phlegm View Post
Thanks, Subscribed! so basically just pull it apart, flush it with mineral spirits, blow it out. put it back together, new dryer new Compressor. Fill with oil fill with Freon. is that about it?
Not quite. I was putting together a factory system with pieces that I had. I used new AC hoses, a new receiver/dryer, and a new expansion valve.

I replaced every o-ring in the system. I flushed all used parts.

The used compressor was "flushed" by measuring an amount of oil, putting it it the compressor, turning it a few cycles, then measuring that that amount came back out. I did this operation two or three times.

I adjusted my POA valve to work with R134a. Freon (R12) works better but I'm saving my stash for my Chevelles. There used to be a website that showed how to adjust the POA. You blow 60 PSI in the expansion valve. On your AC guage on the POA you should see 28 or 30 I forget exactly what you see in stock form. The stock stock setting is for R12. You need to adjust that to 26.5 for R134a via a set screw you can see looking in one end of the

Put everything together. Pull a vacuum. You want -30 inches of Hg so the water in the atmosphere - which is also in your system - boils away. Turn off your vacuum pump and walk away for 30 - 45 minutes. Make sure the exact same negative vacuum is present. If not you got a leak. Fix it and try again with the vacuum.

Then it is fill and you're done.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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