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Old 02-08-2020, 09:33 PM   #1
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Inner fender clearance issue

When I converted to power steering/disc brakes (10 years ago when I was 17 lol) I took the inner fender off (uncut) completed the conversion, put the inner fender back on and boom there’s the steering shaft and new brake lines hitting the inner fender... so I trimmed the inner fender rather than fix the issue. I added the power steering box added new lines etc that weren’t there before.

I have a couple extra inner fenders and would like to fix the issue that was/would be causing the shaft to hit the inner fender. I’m at a loss, in my mind if I replaced the cab mounts it would just raise everything up.

Any idea or suggestions what could be causing this? Any help is appreciated!
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1965 c/10 swb
1969 c/10 lwb
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