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Old 02-10-2020, 01:00 PM   #10
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Re: Real wood interior custom accents

Great stuff...thanks for playin' and keep it coming!

It appears that others are thinking in the same vein as I. I'm glad to see someone (plowro8) figured out how to do a dash pad in wood...there is hope. I'm no expert wood worker, but have managed to do my bed in wood with good results. I think the dash pad will be the toughest for me and may have to hire someone with the right equipment.

Veneer or board wood, either examples are great...thanks OregonNed for sharing. that glove box is going to look great with that quarter sawn and scrip badging!

I'll be starting off with 3/4" thick red oak, but that will be too thick for the door panels. I have 72 door latches and regulator (they have longer shafts) and the older steel inner door panels (not the later molded plastic ones), but the longer shafts will only allow for about 3/8" thick wood. It will look better with thinner wood anyhow...I just have to get it planed down.
He who is without oil shall throw the first rod. Compressions 8.7:1

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