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Old 02-13-2020, 07:38 PM   #26
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Location: Vale,nc
Posts: 174
Re: Drop Spindles & Track Width

Yes it is setup for coil overs. Matt is running something similar with the tci front end. His is a better racing set up than what i have but the ride tech was made for the street more than the track. Ive been told this set up will ride and handle better but truck is apart at the moment. I have it installed but the truck is apart while I'm re doing most everything. I dont know if this helps u or not but detriot speed makes tubular arms for the camaro,Nova and the like. Ive seen them on cars at the show's and they are well made. U might want to check them out to c if they have anything.. I would look at more than pol or cpp before I bought a set. Its funny how things are being made more and more 4 our trucks. I can remember when not much of anything was getting done 4 us.
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