Re: Does anyone daily drive their blazer?
An older car is only as good as the service you put into it. Intentions don't work here.
Before I got into AC work where i got a free van. I used to always have 2 cars for DD. That way I had some back up incase things went wrong. The primary DD would be a basic car or truck with out major engine work, and by that I mean no 400hp 350's. It would be a solid 300, and run on 87. The second usually was pushing DD comfort, but could work a couple weeks till the primary one got back online.
So it is up to you, and how far you go with a second vehicle depends on your total commute. I was doing construction at that time, and a 90-100 mile day was not uncommon with 1/2 in traffic fueled my needs for 2 vehicles.