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Old 06-18-2004, 02:30 AM   #1
Garage Queen Material
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need wiring help soon.

okay, i know a couple of you guys offered to help. so here is your chance.
i'm not adding the remote start because it is to much of a hassle and wont work to well in teh cold with a carb.

i do need to find some wires though.

on the 12-pin main harness for the alarm are the following:

- 500mA output when armed
-/+ parking light output
- activation input
- 200mA domelight output
- Door trigger input zone 3
- trunk input instant trigger
+ door trigger input zone 3
- chassis ground
+ siren output
+ 12v power input
- 200mA channel 2 output

the ones in bold are the ones i need help finding. the parking light output is for when the alarm is going off and the lights flash. the domelight output is for that aswell, and the 2 door trigger input's are for when the doors open, the alarm goes off(i believe they tie into the switch that makes the light come on when the door is open.
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