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Old 02-17-2020, 11:14 AM   #1
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Door Seal Opinions Please

Did some searching around but seeing a lot of mixed responses. My doors are adjusted all the way out but I still have to slam them to close and my locks are extremely difficult to turn due to the seal pressure on the door. If you aren't ready for it stand back when you push the plunger as they are coming open hot. Also, on the passenger door if you press the door handle button the door is now locked in place and you have to get a couple people to push the door in to unlock the door with the key...more than slightly annoying. They are Precision glue on seals. I am going to bite the bullet and pay the $100 for Steele seals, should I get glue on or press on? Also, is there anyone else that sells non-Precision seals that work, $100 is pretty rich for door seals in my opinion. Thanks.
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