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Old 02-17-2020, 06:22 PM   #19
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Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
I dont consider it rustfree. But i dont think the seller should give you $5000 back either.
You are having “buyers remorse”.
You could have had it inspected and saved yourself a crap- ton of anguish.
But you wanted to save money based on sellers honesty. Bad idea, always a bad idea.
I have bought cars from all over the country, cabs, and lots of parts. And i have a couple times been lied to. I should have asked a few more questions.
i looked at all your post on this. Especially your pics where you put it for sale. And the one where you talk about what you wanted to do with it.
That Blazer is about as rustfree as they get. It would be very difficult to find a Blazer tub nicer than that one. This might be true but don't you think some of the issues should have been disclosed?
Your are willing to throw large sums of money all over the place to get things done to it. Seems like your $5000 loss isnt much. I would settle for $5000 but the repairs to make it rust free are going to be over $10,000
I say sell it. Take the loss. Go buy a Honda Civic and give up the Classic truck hobby. As you state you cant do anything on your own.
You will constantly be disappointed in what shops will do for you.
Dont be all butthurt about my opinion. You put this crap out here.
Admins here have no legal obligation to help you. Nor dos the site owner. They may if you play your cards right. I think I made it clear I am not asking them to intervene!
If I didn't want opinions and discussion I wouldn't have posted on a public forum, thanks for responding. I have been here a long time and bought and sold a lot of things (nothing this big) and never once had an issue as a buyer or seller. I created an LS swap thread that has helped a few on here. I have been here a long time and didn't just join to bash someone. A matter of fact I admitted I am an idiot more than once.

Due to my Injury I had to sell my 2 year old motorcycle and my Mercedes SL500 because I couldn't ride anymore and couldn't do the work on the SL anymore. I also sold most of my gun collection as I cant shoot rifles anymore. Selling all that stuff is what gave me the amount I had to buy finished or buy and pay to have some work done. Once this budget is gone I will never have the ability to do this again! I have a great fabricator who has done work for me in the past so I don't think I would be disappointed in his work. I do think telling me to get a honda civic is a little condescending but I have thick skin?

When I sold the Mercedes SL500 a nice gentleman from Tennessee wanted to buy it. This car was nice! Panoramic roof, all the 11 hydraulic cylinders replaced, upgraded to Mercedes Silver arrow brakes etc. He was ready to send a check and a car carrier based on my add. I insisted he get a pre purchase inspection and would take it to any Mercedes dealer within an hour or so of my house. He agreed and bought based on that inspection. When the car arrived he said it was better than described. I guess some of us just do things differently. I would never want someone disappointed after buying something I sold!
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